How to Qualify Leads on WhatsApp in 2024 {A Quick Guide}

Miodrag Magyar
Last updated September 4, 2024
How to Qualify Leads on WhatsApp in 2024 {A Quick Guide}

Knowing which leads are worth your time in sales is important because it allows you to focus your time and energy on those who are most likely to convert into customers. Using WhatsApp for lead qualification helps you identify those high-potential leads quickly and efficiently.

Furthermore, lead qualification is just one step of the sales funnel. With WhatsApp, you can run your entire sales process, from lead generation, all the way to closing the deal and retaining the customer.

In this article, we’ll focus on strategies for efficient lead qualification using WhatsApp. Let’s begin!

What is Lead Qualification?

Lead qualification is figuring out if someone who shows interest in your product or service is actually likely to buy it. It helps you see if they need what you’re offering, are interested in it & can afford it. By doing this, your sales team can spend time on the leads most likely to convert into paying customers.

Qualified Leads vs Unqualified Leads

CriteriaQualified leadsUnqualified leads
InterestGenuine interestLimited interest
NeedClear needUnclear need
BudgetHas budgetNo budget
AuthorityCan make decisionsNo decision-making power
TimelineReady to buy soonNo clear timeline
EngagementActively engagesLittle to no engagement
Likelihood to convertHighLow
Ideal Customer ProfileYesNo

Importance of Lead Qualification in Sales

Lead qualification helps prioritize efforts on leads that are more likely to convert. This increases the efficiency of your sales team, reduces wasted time, and improves overall sales performance.

Questions to Qualify B2B Leads

When people buy watermelons at the market, they often tap on them and listen to the sound. A deep sound usually means the watermelon is ripe and ready to eat. Similarly, when you want to find out which leads are warm or hot, you need to listen to how they respond to lead qualification questions like these:

  1. What problem are you trying to solve?
  2. What is your budget for this solution?
  3. Who is responsible for making the final decision?
  4. What is your timeline for implementing a solution?
  5. Have you used similar products or services before?

Questions like these form a lead qualification checklist that can help you decide whether a lead is worth pursuing further. Of course, there is no secret formula that always works. Depending on the type of product you’re selling, you might find that different questions work better for your lead qualification process.

How Lead Qualification Works

The lead qualification process typically involves several key steps. Going through these steps will ensure that your sales team focuses on the leads most likely to convert into customers. Here’s how it works:

1. Define Lead Criteria

Begin by clearly defining what makes a lead qualified for your business. This involves identifying specific criteria such as company size, industry, budget, and decision-making authority. These characteristics help you distinguish between leads that are just curious and those that are genuinely interested in your product or service.

Example question: “Can you share a bit more about your company’s size and the industry you’re in?”

2. Contact & Evaluate

Once you’ve identified potential leads, the next step is to reach out and start the conversation. This is where you ask lead qualification questions to gather more information. These questions should help you understand the lead’s needs, and pain points, and whether they align with what your business offers.

Example question: “What are the main challenges your team is currently facing that you’re looking to solve?”

The goal here is to determine if the lead fits your ideal customer profile. If they do, you can move them further down the sales funnel; if not, you might decide to nurture them or move on to other leads.

3. Confirm the point of contact

Sometimes, the person you initially contact may not be the decision-maker. In such cases, ask to be introduced to the appropriate contact within the organization. Establishing a direct line of communication with the decision-maker is essential for moving the lead qualification process forward and ultimately closing the sale.

Example question: “Is there someone else on your team who makes the final decision on this type of purchase?”

4. Score the lead

Rate your leads based on how valuable they seem to your business. You do this by giving points for things like how interested they are, the size of their company, their budget, and how much they interact with your content. The more points a lead gets, the more likely they are to become a customer.

Example question: “Do you have a budget in mind for solving this issue, and if so, what range are you considering?”

By assigning points based on specific criteria, you can see where each lead stands in terms of readiness to buy.

  • Cold lead: Shows minimal interest. Not ready to make a decision. Needs more nurturing.
  • Warm lead: Expresses interest. Meets some criteria. Open to discussions.
  • Hot lead: Highly interested. Ready to buy. Meets all criteria. Likely to convert soon.

Why Use WhatsApp To Qualify Leads?

WhatsApp is an excellent tool for lead qualification. With the tools and features Rasayel offers, it can improve your lead qualification process from the first stage of identifying potential prospects to lead distribution on WhatsApp. Here are some key benefits of using WhatsApp through Rasayel for lead qualification:

1. Smooth data gathering

With WhatsApp, you can quickly connect with leads and ask them qualifying questions. The instant replies make it easy to see if they’re a good fit for your product or service. Rasayel supports WhatsApp flows, which makes it really easy to gather the necessary information about your leads.

WhatsApp Flow for gathering lead information.

2. CRM integration

Rasayel has deep integration with CRM systems like Pipedrive and HubSpot, and we’re currently working on integration with Salesforce.

Integrating WhatsApp with your CRM will allow you to have a full overview of your leads, because all lead activities are logged, This will allow you to personalize messaging from HubSpot and adjust your approach based on the lead’s needs.

3. Automated follow-ups

Set up automated Sequences in Rasayel. Sequences are a series of actions triggered by an event (e.g., signup) and ending with an exit rule (completion of steps or goal achievement). The sequence consists of sending a series of WhatsApp templates with delays between each, enabling efficient lead engagement.

Automated sequence of messages in Rasayel.

4. Lead qualification with a WhatsApp chatbot

The WhatsApp chatbot is always available, which means it can engage with leads instantly, even outside of regular business hours. By asking pre-set qualification questions, it can quickly determine whether a lead is worth pursuing further.

A chatbot flow in Rasayel designed for lead engagement.

As the chatbot chats with leads, it collects valuable information such as their needs, budget, and decision-making authority. This data is then passed on to your sales team, so they have everything they need to follow up effectively.

Once the chatbot has qualified the lead, it can distribute it to the most appropriate sales rep. This means no leads fall through the cracks and that your team only spends time on leads with real potential.


Using WhatsApp for lead qualification helps you quickly figure out which leads are worth your time and which ones need more nurturing. With tools like chatbots, CRM integration, data-gathering features, and automated messaging, you can make the process even smoother and more efficient. By using WhatsApp for lead qualification, you’re saving time and setting yourself up for better sales results.

Frequently Asked Questions

The lead qualification method involves assessing whether a lead meets specific criteria, such as need, budget, and decision-making authority.

A lead is any potential customer who has shown interest in your product or service.

Lead qualification level refers to how well a lead meets the criteria for being pursued by the sales team.

A lead qualification position is a role within a sales team focused on evaluating and qualifying leads before they are passed on to sales representatives.

Learn more

If you'd like to learn more about how WhatsApp can help you grow your business, please reach out to us on WhatsApp at +13024070488 (Click to chat now).

We also offer a free consultation session where we review your use case, answer any questions about WhatsApp, and help you build a strategy to make the best out of the platform. Book a call with us here. We'd love to speak with you:

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About the author
Miodrag Magyar

Miodrag brings over 15 years of hands-on experience in content writing and marketing, with a talent for making even the trickiest topics clear and interesting. His passion lies in guiding businesses to effectively utilize WhatsApp to build stronger customer relationships and drive results. With an eye for detail and a heart for storytelling, he’s here to show how effective WhatsApp communication can boost sales and enhance customer engagement.

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