WhatsApp for Sales: The Ultimate Guide To Selling on WhatsApp [2024]

Mohamed Elbadwihi
Last updated March 11, 2024
WhatsApp for Sales: The Ultimate Guide To Selling on WhatsApp [2024]

No business can function without a digital strategy in today’s world. Brands and consumers communicate daily with ease via email and messaging apps, and the quality of these interactions is crucial in converting prospects into customers. Embracing strategies for using WhatsApp for sales has become increasingly popular, given the app’s unparalleled reach and effectiveness.

WhatsApp, in fact, is the most popular messaging app globally. With over two billion people using the app and more than 50 million business users leveraging WhatsApp Business to forge and strengthen customer relationships. In this article, we’ll explore how you can use WhatsApp effectively to boost your sales.‍

7 Benefits of Using WhatsApp Business API For Sales

WhatsApp is a valuable and powerful tool for high-quality conversations that can enhance customer service and improve sales numbers. So, what makes WhatsApp so effective?‍

1. Expand Your Sales Beyond Traditional Methods

Gone are the days of waiting for a customer to walk into a store or check their email for your latest offer. WhatsApp has changed the game of sales, offering a faster, more personal touch. Imagine sending a message and getting a reply within minutes – that’s the kind of immediacy WhatsApp brings to the table.

Unlike traditional methods, where interactions often feel impersonal and delayed, WhatsApp brings a human touch to digital sales. It’s about being there right in your customer’s pocket, ready to engage at a moment’s notice.

For businesses looking to scale up, the WhatsApp Business API lets you automate yet personalize at scale. Picture a clothing store automatically sending out a message about a flash sale on raincoats because it’s forecasted to rain. It’s targeted, timely, and effortless. That’s the kind of smart selling the WhatsApp Business API enables, something you’d struggle to replicate with traditional methods.

2. Enhance Your Customer’s Sales Experience

One of the main benefits of using WhatsApp is that it helps improve customer experience. Businesses understand that competition is not about products or services but experiences. People feel confident to message a brand and expect an instant response. With WhatsApp integrated into their marketing and sales strategy, businesses can quickly answer customers’ needs, leading to better conversion and retention.‍

3. Integrate the Human Factor into Your Sales

The conversational sales made possible with WhatsApp are another big one. Any salesperson knows that people don’t buy products - they buy emotions. Often, their buying decisions are based on the treatment they get from the brands.

With WhatsApp, the sales process is conversational, and customers feel cared for by the business. When you can reach that level of customer satisfaction, you can expect improved loyalty and increased sales.‍

4. Secure Your Sales with 2-Factor Verification

WhatsApp Business API enhances security by implementing 2-factor Verification (2FV). It adds an extra layer of protection, ensuring customer accounts remain secure from unauthorized access. It’s not just about safeguarding information; it’s about building trust. When customers feel secure, they’re more likely to complete purchases, boosting your sales and reputation.

5. Personalize Customer Interactions

Imagine a sales experience that feels like a conversation with a friend. That’s the power of personalized customer interactions through WhatsApp. This platform allows you to address your customers by name, remember their preferences, and engage in meaningful dialogues. It’s like having a personal shopper for each customer. This enhances the customer experience and significantly boosts the chances of closing the deal, as customers feel valued and understood.

6. Integrate with Your Business Systems

Seamless integration is the key to efficiency. WhatsApp Business API can be integrated effortlessly with your existing CRM and sales systems. This means all customer interactions on WhatsApp can be tracked and managed alongside other customer data. Having all your customer information in one place, easily accessible and up-to-date, streamlines sales processes, improves response times and ensures that no customer query goes unnoticed.

7. Leverage Data-Driven Insights

In the world of sales, data is king. WhatsApp Business API offers valuable insights into customer interactions. You can track message delivery, read receipts, and customer engagement patterns. These insights allow you to tailor your sales strategies based on real customer behavior. Understand what works and what doesn’t, and refine your approach accordingly. It’s about making informed decisions that lead to better results and more effective sales strategies.

How to Use WhatsApp for Selling

WhatsApp Business comes with an arsenal of tools and features specifically designed to help you sell on WhatsApp. A Business profile will help your customers easily find crucial information about your business, such as your business name, description, address, business hours, and category.

WhatsApp Business profile.

Utilize the Product Catalog Feature

With a Product catalog integrated into your WhatsApp Business account, customers can effortlessly browse and share a product or service with their friends, further increasing your brand awareness.

When a customer is interested in a product you sell, you can send them a single-product message. Customers can then put the product in a shopping cart and send it to you, allowing for a streamlined and interactive shopping experience. This keeps the conversation and transaction within the same platform, enhancing convenience and increasing the potential for selling on WhatsApp.

Single product message in a WhatsApp conversation.

Engage Customers with Targeted Broadcasts

WhatsApp Business allows you to broadcast messages to multiple contacts, 256 for the WhatsApp Business app, and unlimited bulk messages with the WhatsApp Business Platform.

While you cannot personalize your broadcast message for each customer on the WhatsApp Business app, with WhatsApp Business API you can personalize your messages for various customer attributes, like their names, the product they bought from you, location, and many other attributes. Broadcasting is a crucial tool, as WhatsApp doesn’t allow ads on its platform.

The lack of ads isn’t a drawback. With digital marketing, even with advanced targeting, you still shoot in the dark. Internet users are bombarded with ads on every browser, page, and app. One day you search for fast food joints near you, and for days afterward, all you see are burger ads until you’re so fed up that you become a vegetarian.

With the WhatsApp Broadcast feature, you only promote your products to people who are genuinely interested in what you offer. They sign up (opt-in) to get updates and news from your brand.‍

Automate Customer Interactions

Basic automation, like quick replies and welcome messages, can increase customer engagement. At the same time, if you use WhatsApp Business API, more advanced solutions like WhatsApp chatbots can attend to customers outside office hours and handle multiple conversations simultaneously, so no sale is lost.

Depending on the WhatsApp inbox you use, you can automate a range of tasks. For example, with Rasayel, you can send pre-programmed replies to customers, create chatbot flows to answer customers 24/7, assign conversations to teammates based on their message content, and more. ‍

Leverage Analytics for Strategic Insights

Success in sales depends on metrics and statistics. Understanding which approach works best, what messages trigger the recipient’s interest, and how successful your agents are in closing the deal will help you improve your sales. With WhatsApp Business API, you can have complete insight into metrics such as:

  • Opened conversations
  • Closed conversations
  • Resolution time
  • Average first response time
  • Conversations per agent
  • Number of messages before closing (per agent)‍, and more.

It’s smart to make it super easy for potential customers to start chatting with you. That’s exactly what Click-to-Chat WhatsApp links do. These links can be placed anywhere - on your social media profiles and posts, in email signatures, or on your website.

When someone clicks the link, it opens a chat with your business on WhatsApp. This simple yet powerful tool can significantly increase the number of leads funneling into your sales pipeline.

Integrate WhatsApp with Your Sales Ecosystem

Customer Relationship Management tools are essential for growing and cultivating a customer base. By integrating WhatsApp with your CRM via Rasayel, you can combine the data each system collects and manage it in a centralized platform. Integration means no lead or customer is ever left behind. Rasayel integrates with HubSpot and Pipedrive, while through Zapier you can integrate it with more than 5000 other software and tools.

Benefits of Linking WhatsApp with Sales CRM

Integrating WhatsApp into your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system can elevate your sales strategy. By bridging the gap between your messaging platform and your sales database, you enjoy a myriad of benefits, such as:

  1. Unified WhatsApp communication hub: A single platform to oversee all your WhatsApp interactions.
  2. Direct messaging from HubSpot: Streamline customer outreach with WhatsApp messaging without ever leaving your HubSpot interface.

Direct messaging from HubSpot.

  1. Automated engagement: Use the powerful HubSpot workflows to trigger actions with precision, from follow-ups to demo reminders.

Contact enrollment trigger.

  1. Marketing and outreach management: Launch, manage, and assess WhatsApp engagement campaigns and either sync or trigger them directly within HubSpot for comprehensive monitoring.
  2. Monitoring and tracking: With Rasayel’s real-time Engagement logging in HubSpot, every WhatsApp conversation is documented. This gives you a full view of all customer interactions, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.

Engagement logging in HubSpot

  1. Contact synchronization:  Rasayel matches contacts with those on HubSpot, streamlining your contact management process. Import HubSpot contact lists into Rasayel and use them in your WhatsApp mass engagement campaigns.
  2. Enhanced customer insights: By integrating WhatsApp with HubSpot through Rasayel, your team gains a deeper understanding of your customer’s preferences and behavior. This is especially valuable when assessing the effectiveness of your messages and tailoring future outreach.
  3. Centralized activity filters: Using the “WhatsApp for sales” filter in HubSpot, you can isolate and analyze WhatsApp sales interactions, making it easier to derive actionable insights and hone your strategies. Real-time notifications paired with the Rasayel mobile app allow your team to respond promptly and on the go. This increases customer satisfaction and can significantly boost your conversion rates.
  4. Holistic customer view: When your WhatsApp conversations are integrated into HubSpot, you can have a documented customer journey. This view allows you to have more personalized and effective engagement and build stronger customer relationships.

The fusion of WhatsApp, Rasayel, and HubSpot isn’t just a tech integration; it’s a crucial tool for businesses aiming to leverage WhatsApp for sales. As you delve deeper into its capabilities, remember that the tool is only as effective as the strategy behind its use. With the right approach and continual refinement, the sky’s the limit for what you can achieve.

Build a Robust WhatsApp Sales Strategy: Step by Step

Before you start developing your sales strategy, ask yourself: In what part of the sales process will WhatsApp be most effective? There are seven steps in a sales process:

  1. Prospecting
  2. Preparation
  3. Approach
  4. Presentation
  5. Handling objections
  6. Closing
  7. Follow-up

At any stage of the sales process, WhatsApp can be a powerful tool, although it will be more suitable for some stages than others.

Although the ‘Prospecting stage’ might not be ideal for WhatsApp due to WhatsApp’s Business messaging policy, there’s no reason not to use it to connect with cold nurture leads who opted in to receive communications on WhatsApp.

Prepare Message Templates for Each Phase of the Sales Process

Before you start a campaign, make sure WhatsApp approves your message templates. It takes between a few minutes and 24 hours to get the approval, and that’s only if your template aligns with the WhatsApp requirements.

The sales process will require more than one message template to complete the cycle. Develop your entire communication and define all your templates in advance so that everything runs smoothly throughout your campaign.

Implement Effective Broadcasts & Newsletters

With the WhatsApp Broadcast feature, you can send messages to an unlimited number of your opted-in customers. These bulk messages can be anything from promotions on your new products to newsletters and coupons.

Put yourself in your customers’ shoes and think about what they want to hear from your business. This will help you increase customer engagement, loyalty, and, ultimately, sales. Businesses use promotional broadcasts and newsletters, such as:

  • Personalized special offers for holidays, birthdays, & occasions like Black Friday
  • A new product or service announcement
  • Exclusive discounts
  • Discount coupons and codes
  • Abandoned shopping cart follow-ups
  • Payment and delivery updates
  • Upselling messages

Utilize Message Templates for Sales

A WhatsApp template is a customizable message you create to initiate a conversation with your customers. Templates have placeholders and variables you can fill in with individual customer data.

For example, a promotional WhatsApp message can be customized for the name of each customer and other variables. You can send them a notification that looks like this:

Hi {{1}}, We noticed you left some great items in your cart! 🎁To make your decision easier, we’re thrilled to offer a special {{2}} discount just for you. Use code {{3}} at checkout. 🌟But hurry, this offer is only valid for the next 48 hours! ⏰

The message that the customer receives will look like this:

Abandoned cart message.

You can send interactive message templates by integrating different options for user response. For example, your customer can choose an answer from a list of suggested answers, click a button to visit a landing page or website, view single or multiple products from your catalog, add products to a shopping cart, and more.

Interactive WhatsApp message.

Encourage Customer Opt-ins & Personalize Communication

Use your social media to increase your WhatsApp audience. Freebies and exclusive discounts are always a good way to encourage people to opt-in to receive your WhatsApp messages. For example, run a campaign on Facebook and Instagram and ask your followers to opt in by promising them a special discount coupon for joining your contact list.

Add a WhatsApp Chat Widget to Your Shopify Store or Website

A WhatsApp chat widget is a small window that appears on a website allowing visitors to talk to your customer service reps or an AI-powered chatbot. Chat widgets are usually located in the lower right corner of a website.

WhatsApp chat widget.

How to Sell on WhatsApp: Tips & Best Practices

In the world of digital sales, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. To make the most out of every opportunity, it’s essential to have a well-oiled sales strategy that aligns with your marketing efforts. Whether you’re managing leads, sending critical documents, or personalizing your sales pitches, preparation plays a vital role in crafting a successful sales journey.

Make sure your sales team is aware of your marketing campaign

How does your marketing connect with your sales team? Let’s say the marketing team is running a newsletter campaign on WhatsApp. Is your sales team ready to receive any leads that respond to these newsletters? What is their next course of action?‍

Prepare sales decks or brochures that you can send

Create a sales deck to help your team guide the audience through their sales presentation. A well-prepared sales deck will enhance your sales team’s pitches by acting as a touchstone. They will enable them to provide more personalized information to the prospects and customers they’re presenting to.‍

Keep track of the people in your sales pipeline

If you run your WhatsApp conversations in Rasayel, you can create tags for every sales pipeline stage. Next, you can create specific filters for the different stages in the sales process, and when you change the tag, it will shift that customer to a new view in Rasayel. Why is this important?

Every customer in a different stage in the sales pipeline needs a different approach, a different type of messaging, and specific documents. By applying tags and filters, you can clearly see where each of your customers is standing and customize your messages for the best results.‍

To help you make the most of this platform, let’s explore some essential tips and best practices for maximizing your sales potential on WhatsApp.

Do’s of WhatsApp SalesDon’ts of WhatsApp Sales
Personalize Your CommunicationAvoid Spamming
Respond PromptlyDon’t Ignore Privacy and Consent
Use Broadcasts WiselyAvoid Being Too Formal
Share Valuable ContentDon’t Neglect the Human Element
Utilize Automation SmartlyAvoid Misleading Information
Regularly Update Your Product CatalogDon’t Forget to Follow-Up
Track and Analyze PerformanceAvoid Ignoring WhatsApp’s Business Policy

Leverage Click-to-WhatsApp Ads

Click-to-WhatsApp ads look like regular posts but have a call-to-action button that opens a conversation with your business on WhatsApp. It’s a seamless transition from ad to chat, making it easier for interested customers to reach out and ask questions or place orders. This approach not only enhances customer experience but also boosts the likelihood of converting ad views into actual sales.

Utilize a WhatsApp Chat Widget

Lastly, consider adding a WhatsApp chat widget to your website. It’s easy and you can create it for free on our website.

When a visitor clicks on the widget, they’re instantly connected to your WhatsApp, allowing for real-time communication. This tool is invaluable for providing immediate assistance, answering product queries, or even guiding visitors through the purchase process.

Offer Exclusive Discounts

Creating a sense of exclusivity by offering special discounts or promotions to your WhatsApp contacts can incentivize purchases. However, it’s equally important to maintain a consistent brand voice and messaging style across all interactions on WhatsApp. Consistency not only builds trust but also enhances recognition.

Educate Customers

In addition to offering discounts, consider sharing informative content with your customers. This could include how-to guides, product demonstrations, or industry insights. By doing so, you position your business as an authority in your niche.

Stay Consistent

One of the keys to success on WhatsApp for sales is maintaining unwavering brand and communication consistency. Your brand is your identity, and it should be easily recognizable to your customers. Ensure that your profile picture, business name, and even the tone of your messages align with your established brand identity.

Measure & Optimize Your WhatsApp Sales Performance

Measuring and optimizing performance is not just a best practice – it’s a necessity. It’s about understanding what works, what doesn’t, and how to continuously improve your strategies for better outcomes. Let’s delve into the key aspects of tracking and analyzing your WhatsApp sales metrics.

To measure the success of your WhatsApp sales initiatives, begin by setting clear, quantifiable goals. Are you looking to increase sales volume, enhance customer satisfaction, or improve response times? Once your objectives are defined, measure your performance against these benchmarks:

Key Metrics to Track for WhatsApp Sales Success

  • Conversation Starters: The number of new conversations initiated by customers. This indicates the level of customer engagement and interest.
  • Response Time: The average time taken to respond to customer inquiries. Faster response times typically correlate with higher customer satisfaction and increased sales.
  • Conversion Rate: The ratio of conversations that result in a sale. This is a direct indicator of the effectiveness of your sales tactics.
  • Customer Retention Rate: The rate at which existing customers return to make additional purchases. High customer retention metrics often reflect a successful relationship-building strategy.
  • Message Open Rate: How often your sent messages are opened, reflecting the relevance and engagement level of your content.

Tools and Techniques for Measuring Performance

  • Analytics: Use the reporting feature in Rasayel to get detailed insights into messaging statistics.
  • CRM Integration: Integrate WhatsApp with your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to track customer interactions and sales conversions in a more detailed manner.
  • Surveys and Feedback: Regularly use WhatsApp for market research and customer feedback to discover areas for improvement.
  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different types of messages, timings, and strategies to see what yields the best results, and use analytics to evaluate the performance of these tests.

Maximize Sales Impact on WhatsApp with Rasayel!

We are here to help you get started or answer any questions you’d have.

Chat with us on WhatsApp!


Mastering WhatsApp for sales in 2024 is about strategically leveraging the platform’s immense reach and personal touch. By utilizing the features of WhatsApp Business API, you can expand sales beyond traditional methods, enhance customer experiences, and create more humanized, secure, and personalized interactions. Integration with CRM systems like HubSpot through Rasayel further streamlines processes and provides valuable insights for data-driven strategies.

In this article, we gave you a taste of what WhatsApp can do for your sales, but we barely scratched the surface of the platform’s full potential. In the days ahead, we will write more articles to provide you with more ideas, specific strategies, and use cases you can apply to your business, so keep checking our blog.

Frequently Asked Questions

Using WhatsApp for sales involves leveraging its features to communicate effectively with customers, manage leads, and close deals. Start by setting up a WhatsApp Business account, which allows you to create a business profile with essential details like your business name, description, and contact information. Use the app to send personalized messages, share product catalogs, and respond promptly to customer inquiries. Additionally, take advantage of automated messages for greetings and FAQs, and utilize the broadcast feature to send updates and offers to multiple contacts simultaneously.

Absolutely! WhatsApp is a powerful tool for marketing. You can use it to send personalized promotions, updates about new products or services, and exclusive offers to your customers. It’s also great for conducting surveys and gathering feedback. Remember, the key to successful marketing on WhatsApp is to gain consent from users before sending them marketing messages and to maintain a balance between being informative and not overwhelming your audience.

To automate sales on WhatsApp, use the WhatsApp Business API, which offers more advanced features compared to the standard Business app. You can set up automated responses for common customer queries, and send out automatic notifications for order confirmations, shipping updates, and more. Integrating WhatsApp with your CRM system can further streamline the process, allowing for automated lead tracking and follow-up messages. Chatbots are another powerful tool for automating sales on WhatsApp, capable of handling customer inquiries and guiding them through the purchasing process even outside of business hours.

Yes, tracking sales conversions through WhatsApp is possible, especially when using the WhatsApp Business API. You can monitor key metrics such as conversation starters, message open rates, and response times. Additionally, integrating WhatsApp with CRM tools allows you to track the customer journey from initial contact to final sale. This integration provides detailed insights into which WhatsApp interactions are leading to conversions, helping you refine your sales strategy for better results.

Managing a large customer base on WhatsApp efficiently requires strategic use of its business features. Utilize the label system in WhatsApp Business to categorize customers, making it easier to organize and access conversations. Employ automated responses and chatbots to handle frequent inquiries, ensuring prompt customer engagement. For more advanced management, consider using CRM integration to streamline communication and keep track of customer interactions, preferences, and purchase history, thereby personalizing the customer experience at scale.

Learn more

If you'd like to learn more about how WhatsApp can help you grow your business, please reach out to us on WhatsApp at +13024070488 (Click to chat now).

We also offer a free consultation session where we review your use case, answer any questions about WhatsApp, and help you build a strategy to make the best out of the platform. Book a call with us here. We'd love to speak with you:

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About the author
Mohamed Elbadwihi

Mohamed has a background in digital enterprise strategy and software engineering. When he’s not staring at his computer screen, he can be found staring at the night sky somewhere in Alberta, Canada. He enjoys reading, and writing about the things he reads.

@Mohamed Elbadwihi on LinkedIn