17 Best Use Cases for WhatsApp Chatbots: Sales, Support & More!

Sarah Islam
Last updated April 17, 2024
17 Best Use Cases for WhatsApp Chatbots: Sales, Support & More!
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Have you ever found yourself frantically searching for answers or assistance from a company, only to be met with silence on the other end? It’s a frustrating experience that countless customers have faced. But what if I told you there’s a digital companion that never sleeps, never leaves you hanging, and is always ready to provide the help you need? In this article, we’ll explore the practical and real-world applications of WhatsApp chatbots, discussing in detail how they can genuinely make a difference in areas like sales, marketing, support, and beyond.

Why Use WhatsApp for Your Business?

In an era where staying connected is paramount, one messaging app has emerged as a vital tool for businesses looking to engage with their customers effectively. WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app, with a vast user base of over two billion active users spanning more than 180 countries. Its diverse demographics include individuals of all ages and backgrounds, offering you unparalleled opportunities to reach a broad and varied audience.

Let’s dive into the reasons why WhatsApp has become the go-to platform for companies around the world.

The Evolution of WhatsApp Business API

In 2018, WhatsApp introduced the WhatsApp Business Platform/API - an application programming interface that allows businesses to integrate WhatsApp into their customer engagement strategies, paving the way for innovative WhatsApp chatbot use cases. With the API, you can automate messages, provide real-time support, and offer personalized experiences to your customers on a platform they are already familiar with.

Growing Adoption of WhatsApp in Business Operations

WhatsApp is not limited to any specific industry; rather, it spans various sectors, including e-commerce, finance, healthcare, customer service, and more. The reasons behind this trend are multifold:

  • Instant Accessibility: WhatsApp’s mobile-centric nature ensures that businesses are just a message away from their customers. This accessibility allows for quick query resolution, order tracking, and real-time communication, all of which improve customer satisfaction. In scenarios where immediate support is crucial, WhatsApp chatbots stand out as an invaluable resource.
  • Cost-Effective Communication: WhatsApp provides a cost-effective alternative to traditional communication methods like SMS or phone calls. You can leverage WhatsApp chatbots to efficiently distribute updates, promotional content, and crucial alerts. This practice highlights numerous chatbot examples that ensure cost savings without compromising on effectiveness.
  • Tailored Customer Experience: Leveraging customer data, WhatsApp chatbots provide personalized interactions, from product recommendations tailored to user preferences & addressing specific queries. This approach, demonstrated in different chatbot examples, enhances customer engagement and fosters a more personalized relationship. This is evident in the example of a chatbot that uses customer data attributes to contextualize customer interactions and offers personalized support.
  • Customer Trust: WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption instills a sense of security and privacy, which is crucial in fostering trust between businesses and customers. Customers are more likely to engage with businesses that prioritize their data security.

Examples of Use Cases for WhatsApp Chatbots

When Merco Supermercado, a supermarket chain in Mexico, adopted automated messaging through WhatsApp to offer faster customer service and support digital marketing, the company improved employee productivity while increasing read rates on campaigns and building brand loyalty.

The impact of using a WhatsApp Chatbot in the case of Merco Supermercado

Chatbots can be programmed to deliver personalized services to customers throughout their entire journey across every stage of the funnel. This tailored approach not only meets the individual needs and preferences of customers but also significantly improves overall customer satisfaction. Here are a few examples to illustrate this capability:

WhatsApp Chatbot Use Cases in Sales

1. Automated Sales

Leads or current customers may message you on WhatsApp to ask about certain products. Your WhatsApp chatbot can show them the products using single-product or multi-product messages.

A practical chatbot example can be shown through a grocery store scenario. When a customer inquires about the availability of sourdough, the chatbot responds by displaying the product using a single-product message template. This enables the customer to select the sourdough, add it to their cart, and proceed to complete the purchase.

A single product message in WhatsApp.

P.S. Remember to update your product inventory as needed & modify your product catalog to keep customers informed about new or out-of-stock items.

2. Lead Qualification

For certain kinds of services, a business needs to gather a lot of information from their leads to see if they have their ideal customer profile. If they do, they can offer their service. Qualifying leads is a repetitive process, and all of them must go through it. A WhatsApp chatbot could take care of it.

Through reply buttons, leads can easily select their responses, allowing the chatbot to quickly create their profile. If matches are found in the listings, the chatbot can assign an agent to assist them further; if not, it promptly informs them.

Lead Qualification with a WhatsApp chatbot.

3. Product Information & Sales Assistance

Suppose your goal is to automate transactional, non-sales-related tasks. In that case, a WhatsApp chatbot can efficiently handle various operational communications, including:

  • Confirming order placements & cancellations
  • Providing shipping updates
  • Appointment Confirmation & reminders
  • Payments Confirmation & reminders
  • Answering frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Product Information sent with an interactive WhatsApp message.

You can create a chatbot that automatically sends confirmation messages to your customers upon completing transactions like placing orders, scheduling appointments, or making payments. Your chatbot can also send timely reminders for upcoming appointments or pending payments.

4. Order Tracking & Updates

E-commerce businesses can use chatbots to provide real-time updates on order status, estimated delivery times, and shipping information. This allows customers to inquire about their orders and receive instant responses.

5. Personalized Recommendations

Chatbots can use data about a customer’s previous purchases, browsing history, and preferences to provide personalized product recommendations. This can help customers find products relevant to their interests and needs, improving their overall shopping experience.

WhatsApp Chatbot Use Cases in Customer Support

6. 24/7 Customer Support

A WhatsApp chatbot works 24/7. No matter when your customers message you, they can get their questions answered. This is especially useful if you have customers across time zones. Instead of hiring overseas customer support, a bot can handle much of the workload.

With the ability to operate around the clock, chatbots can attend to customer questions and concerns at any time of the day, ensuring that customers are not left waiting.

See A simple strategy for creating a user-friendly WhatsApp chatbot to learn more about designing a WhatsApp chatbot. Fear not! You don’t need to know a lot about bots to design a good one ;)

7. Personalized Assistance

Chatbots can address customers by name, which can help create a more personal connection. This can improve the customer’s perception of the business and increase their likelihood of making a purchase.

Chatbots can be programmed to provide personalized customer assistance based on their inquiries. For example, if a customer has difficulty placing an order, the chatbot can provide step-by-step instructions to help them complete the process.

8. Contextual responses

Chatbots can use contextual information to provide more relevant and helpful responses to customer inquiries. Here’s an example of a chatbot created by The Visit Valencia Foundation, a nonprofit organization in Spain, to guide visitors through various options, offering information on all local events happening by time slot. It resulted in a 41-fold increase in engagement and 82% re-engagement with repeat customers.

WhatsApp Chatbot Use Cases in Marketing

9. Lead Generation via Instagram & Facebook Ads

Many businesses, such as eCommerce, travel, and education companies, advertise their products and services on Instagram and Facebook. They can add a button to the ad that, once clicked, opens the customer’s WhatsApp Messenger app so they can chat with the business.

Customers can ask questions about product details, pricing, how to buy or book a product or service, and more. Businesses have standard procedures for handling many of these common questions or repetitive tasks. As a result, chatbots can handle many of them.

Here’s an example of a hotel using a WhatsApp chatbot to help customers book rooms:

The hotel puts ads on Instagram or Facebook. If someone clicks an ad, their WhatsApp app opens. They ask a question, and the WhatsApp chatbot helps them book a room.

Click-to-WhatsApp add on Facebook used for Lead Generation. Customer response to a WhatsApp chatbot.

The good news is that WhatsApp doesn’t charge you for the first user-initiated conversation from Facebook and Instagram ads. Since a bot replies to the customers instantly, there’s a high chance that a sale can be closed right then and there.

10. Marketing Campaigns

If you have a new product that you want to announce to your customers or if you’re running a sales campaign, you can automate your WhatsApp chatbot to do it for you. It could reply to customers if they inquire about further information, connect them with a sales agent or help them step by step to make a purchase.

11. Abandoned Cart Recovery

One of the biggest pains of any eCommerce business owner is abandoned carts. Why would a customer select a product and arrive at the final step of purchasing it only to leave it? There are many reasons for this. The cost of your shipping or other fees could be high, and customers only see that at the final step. That’s why they leave. However, an abandoned cart does not have to stay abandoned forever ;)

Your bot can send them an incentivizing message, for example, a discount, with call-to-action buttons that take them to their checkout page. From there, they can complete their shopping.

Interactive WhatsApp message used for Abandoned Cart Recovery.

It doesn’t stop here. If the customer doesn’t claim the discount, the bot could send them a reminder after a certain period of time.

12. Feedback and Reviews

One of the most effective ways to improve your business is to gather customer feedback. A couple of days after a product/service is delivered to a customer, your bot can ask them for feedback.

Interactive WhatsApp message used for collecting feedback and reviewes.

The chatbot can tailor its actions based on customer responses. For satisfied customers, it might encourage them to leave a review on your website. For those less pleased, it dives deeper to understand their experience.

By collecting feedback through the chatbot, you engage customers interactively, which can lead to higher response rates than traditional surveys. This method is convenient & user-friendly since it allows users to participate directly from their messaging app.

The valuable data collected from these interactions offers insights into customer behaviors, preferences, and expectations - which can help you enhance your overall business strategy.

13. Notifications & Alerts

With a WhatsApp chatbot, businesses can proactively reach out to customers to notify them about new products, updates, offers, and more. This is particularly useful for keeping your audience engaged and informed. For instance, a retail store could notify customers about an upcoming sale or a new product launch. Customers can also opt-in to receive regular updates, ensuring they are always in the loop about the latest happenings.

Regular notifications and alerts contribute to enhanced user engagement, as customers feel more connected and valued by the business. This, in turn, helps in retaining customers, as they are less likely to switch to a competitor if they are satisfied and well-informed.

14. Promotions & Discounts

You can use WhatsApp chatbots to distribute promo codes and special offers to customers, encouraging them to make a purchase. This could be a discount on their next purchase, a buy-one-get-one-free offer, or any other promotion that encourages sales.

By offering your customers exclusive promotions and discounts via WhatsApp, you can encourage purchases and foster customer loyalty. Customers are more likely to return to a business that offers them value through discounts and promotions, ensuring repeat business.

Other WhatsApp Chatbot Use Cases You’ll Love!

WhatsApp chatbots have versatile applications extending well beyond the realms of marketing, sales, and customer support. Here are some additional use cases that you might find interesting:

15. Appointment Scheduling

Chatbots on WhatsApp can streamline the process of making, changing, or canceling appointments. They can send automated reminders to ensure clients or patients remember their scheduled times and manage waiting lists more effectively. For instance, a beauty salon could implement a chatbot to handle appointment bookings, sending out confirmation messages and reminders to clients.

16. Content Distribution

Educational institutions, media outlets, and content creators can maximize the potential of WhatsApp by incorporating chatbot examples into their communication strategies. These chatbots can efficiently distribute course materials, news updates, and other important information directly to their audience. A prime example of this is a university utilizing a chatbot to send out lecture notes, announcements, and essential resources to students, ensuring immediate access to necessary materials right on their mobile devices.

17. HR and Employee Services

Companies can employ WhatsApp chatbots to assist with internal HR functions, answering employee queries, managing leave requests, and more. They can help streamline internal processes, making it easier for employees to access the information they need. For example, a corporation could use a chatbot to guide employees through the process of submitting expense reports, ensuring that all necessary information is provided.


If you use WhatsApp to talk to your customers and your business is growing, a WhatsApp chatbot could be very helpful for you. With a bot, you can automate all of the communications that don’t require a human agent so that your staff has more time to focus on the work that needs human involvement. With a carefully designed bot, you can help customers self-serve, notify them when necessary, such as when their payment is confirmed, and increase your sales.

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Frequently Asked Questions

A WhatsApp Chatbot is a programmed virtual assistant integrated within the WhatsApp platform, designed to automate and enhance customer interactions, handle inquiries, and provide instant support or information.

Utilizing a WhatsApp Chatbot enables 24/7 customer support, quick response times, and efficient handling of routine tasks, leading to improved customer satisfaction and operational efficiency while freeing up human agents for more complex queries.

WhatsApp chatbots are versatile tools that can enhance various business operations across sales, customer service, marketing, and internal functions. In sales, they streamline the purchasing process, assist in lead qualification, and help recover abandoned carts.

For customer service, they offer 24/7 support, instant responses, and personalized assistance.

In marketing, they facilitate lead generation, manage promotional campaigns, and gather customer feedback. Additionally, they can be used for appointment scheduling, content distribution, and improving internal HR functions.

Create a sales-oriented chatbot. Use it to initiate conversations for lead generation, provide product information, assist customers through the purchase process, and send reminders to recover abandoned carts. Additionally, employ the chatbot to offer personalized product recommendations, enhancing customer experience and boosting sales.

Integrate a chatbot, program automated responses for common queries, and enable it to provide instant, 24/7 support. Ensure it can handle multiple languages if necessary, and utilize it to collect customer feedback for continuous improvement.

Create marketing campaigns using personalized recommendations, broadcast updates, send notifications, and engage users with surveys and polls. Utilize the chatbot to distribute promotions and discounts, enhancing customer engagement and boosting sales. Ensure to analyze and optimize your chatbot interactions for continuous improvement.

WhatsApp Chatbots enhance customer service by providing 24/7 support, offering instant responses to queries, supporting multiple languages to cater to a global audience, and collecting customer feedback for business improvement.

Yes, WhatsApp Chatbots can handle a multitude of tasks simultaneously, including customer queries, product recommendations, appointment scheduling, and more, providing efficient and effective service.

Learn more

If you'd like to learn more about how WhatsApp can help you grow your business, please reach out to us on WhatsApp at +13024070488 (Click to chat now).

We also offer a free consultation session where we review your use case, answer any questions about WhatsApp, and help you build a strategy to make the best out of the platform. Book a call with us here. We'd love to speak with you:

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About the author
Sarah Islam

Sarah is a digital marketing expert specializing in strategy & SEO. She combines her love for writing and adventure with her professional skills to help businesses enhance their digital presence and engage customers. Her goal is to improve customer experiences through effective communication.

@Sarah Islam on LinkedIn