The Art of Selling on WhatsApp: Insights from Rasayel's Journey

Miodrag Magyar
Last updated April 15, 2024
The Art of Selling on WhatsApp: Insights from Rasayel's Journey
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Rasayel was developed to fill a crucial gap: managing complex sales funnels directly through WhatsApp. Existing tools fell short, lacking the necessary features to fully handle the sales process on this platform. Specifically, these tools did not adequately provide for the organization of sales activities, the qualification of leads, and the personalization of customer interactions. Rasayel brings these essential capabilities together, enabling sales teams to streamline their processes, effectively engage with leads, and tailor communications to meet the unique needs of each customer.

To better understand the impact of Rasayel on our sales processes, we talked to our sales team about their daily use of the platform. This case study highlights the key Rasayel tools that have significantly shaped our approach to sales. By examining how our team uses these tools, we can see the benefits and improvements in managing sales activities directly through WhatsApp.

Sales Process: From Initial Message to Closing Deals

1. Lead Qualification with a WhatsApp Bot

Rasayel’s WhatsApp bot is triggered as soon as we get a message notification from a new lead. To qualify leads, the chatbot uses:

A chatbot in Rasayel sends a WhatsApp flow

Ashraf, a team member, shares, “The bot saves us time by filtering out unqualified leads automatically.”

2. Team Assignment & Workload Management

Once a lead is qualified, our bot automatically assigns it to the sales or support agent. It makes these assignments based on language preference, specific use cases, and agent availability. This ensures that every customer interacts with someone who can best address their needs and questions.

The Team Assignment feature balances the workload among team members and boosts overall team performance and efficiency. For instance, if the contact is a new lead they will be assigned to the sales agent based on their vertical and use case - Mostafa specializes in serving accounting firms, Mahmoud focuses on fintech companies, and Ashraf is dedicated to businesses in the HR sector.

If they are a current customer, they will be assigned to the support team based on their language and region. Our support agent Reem takes care of inquiries from Arabic-speaking customers, ensuring a smooth communication flow given her language skills and cultural understanding. Meanwhile, Alex handles inquiries in English, providing tailored support to our English-speaking customers. This allocation helps us deliver more personalized and effective customer service.

3. Lead Management with Pipedrive

The Pipedrive integration allows us to manage customer relationships efficiently. The integration ensures that every interaction with a lead on WhatsApp is automatically synced to Pipedrive. As leads progress through the sales funnel, all relevant information about their interactions is updated in real-time, providing our team with a comprehensive view of each lead’s status.

For example, when a potential customer initiates contact on WhatsApp, their details and conversation history are immediately captured in Pipedrive. This synchronization allows any team member who picks up the conversation to have the full context of previous interactions. They can effectively continue the dialogue, tailoring their approach based on the detailed lead history available.

4. Personal Touch: The Agent’s Role

Once a lead is qualified, our sales team reaches out directly & arranges a discovery call. As we discuss pain points & aspirations, we show them how to overcome them using Rasayel. If a lead shows interest in a specific feature like our chatbot, we provide more than just explanations.

For example, our sales agent Mostafa creates & shares videos demonstrating the setup & testing of a chatbot flow tailored to the lead’s needs. This practical showcase helps leads see the real-world application of Rasayel.

A screenshot from a video showing a tailor-made chatbot flow.

Additionally, Mahmoud adapts his approach based on what resonates best with the lead. He might reference case studies of similar companies successfully using Rasayel, discuss comparable use cases, or share testimonials. These strategies help personalize the experience and illustrate the potential impact of our solution on their business.

Our Pipedrive integration allows us to enrich customer profiles in Rasayel with detailed data attributes and conversation tags. These features ensure that every interaction is personalized and relevant, based on the comprehensive insights we gather from each customer’s engagement history.

5. Closing the Deal

Once a customer decides to join us, our process ensures a smooth transition from potential customer to active user. Our sales team prepares a comprehensive handover document detailing the new client’s needs, expectations, and their journey with us. This document equips our customer success team with all the information necessary to offer personalized and efficient support from day one.

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Following the handover, we invite the new customer and their team to a specialized training session tailored specifically for them. These sessions are designed to be interactive, allowing everyone to fully engage with and understand our platform. We guide them through every feature, answering questions and addressing feedback in real time.

6. Analytics & CRM Integration

Brian, our sales manager, uses Rasayel Reports to monitor sales team performance and refine sales strategies. Our integration with Pipedrive allows him to have instant access to the latest sales updates and meeting notes.

Brian also crafts our sales playbook, where analytics are vital for shaping our sales team’s approach. During our Q1 All Hands meeting in 2024, these analytics were instrumental in defining our strategic direction for the coming months.

Tarek, Rasayel’s CEO, starts his day with a clear overview of sales activities. A single click within Rasayel allows him to review meeting notes from Pipedrive, keeping him informed about current and prospective deals.

Want to track your sales team’s performance?

7. Sustaining Customer Relationships

After successfully converting leads into customers, we understand the importance of customer retention and ongoing support. We use Rasayel to keep regular contact with customers through WhatsApp. By sending updates, sharing useful tips, and responding promptly to inquiries, we keep the lines of communication open and active.

We create a sense of community among our users by inviting them to webinars, user groups, and feedback sessions. This helps customers learn from each other and encourages sharing ideas and experiences that can lead to new features and improvements in Rasayel.


Using Rasayel, we’ve seen:


Lead Conversion Rate


Customer Retention Rate


Using our platform in daily operations has improved the way we manage our leads and helped us retain customers. In return, this created a deeper connection between our team and our customers. Looking ahead, we aim to expand Rasayel’s capabilities by introducing more advanced AI features to further automate the sales process and enhance personalization. We plan to integrate additional CRM systems and data tools to provide even richer insights that can drive our sales strategies. Our goal is to make Rasayel an indispensable tool for any business looking to use WhatsApp to sell their products & services.

Ready to Sell on WhatsApp?

You can activate your WhatsApp number within 3 minutes using Rasayel!

Get started on the WhatsApp Business Platform today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can sell on WhatsApp using tools designed for business engagement, enabling you to manage customer interactions, showcase products, and process orders directly through the app.

Selling on WhatsApp involves setting up a business profile, utilizing chatbots for customer service, leveraging WhatsApp Business features like catalogs, and employing marketing strategies to engage and convert leads.

Rasayel provides advanced tools for automating conversations, segmenting customers, and personalizing interactions, making it easier to manage sales processes and improve customer experiences on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp’s widespread use and personal messaging environment make it an ideal platform for direct customer engagement, offering businesses a unique opportunity to build trust and drive sales.

Yes, Rasayel offers integration capabilities with CRM tools like HubSpot and Pipedrive, allowing businesses to synchronize customer data and communication for a seamless sales process.

Learn more

If you'd like to learn more about how WhatsApp can help you grow your business, please reach out to us on WhatsApp at +13024070488 (Click to chat now).

We also offer a free consultation session where we review your use case, answer any questions about WhatsApp, and help you build a strategy to make the best out of the platform. Book a call with us here. We'd love to speak with you:

For Europe, the Middle East, and Africa - Book a call

For North and South America - Book a call

About the author
Miodrag Magyar

Miodrag brings over 15 years of hands-on experience in content writing and marketing, with a talent for making even the trickiest topics clear and interesting. His passion lies in guiding businesses to effectively utilize WhatsApp to build stronger customer relationships and drive results. With an eye for detail and a heart for storytelling, he’s here to show how effective WhatsApp communication can boost sales and enhance customer engagement.

@Miodrag Magyar on LinkedIn