How to Follow Up With Leads on WhatsApp: A Guide to Better Closing Rates

Miodrag Magyar
Last updated September 4, 2024
How to Follow Up With Leads on WhatsApp: A Guide to Better Closing Rates

Following up with leads is that extra step that can turn a potential customer into a paying one. But how do you make sure your follow-up strategy is effective and scalable? In this sales guide, we’ll discuss the importance of following up with leads and how WhatsApp can help automate the sales follow up process for your team, cut down closing time & increase your closing rates.

What is Follow-Up in Sales?

A follow-up in sales is any communication you have with a lead after your initial contact. It’s a way to keep the conversation going, address any concerns they might have, and move them closer to making a purchase. Whether it’s a quick check-in, sharing more information, or simply reminding them about an offer, follow-ups are all about staying on your lead’s radar.

Importance of Sales Follow-Up Messages

Follow-up messages are more than just a reminder; they’re an opportunity to build a relationship with your leads. There are countless benefits of a follow-up message that is sent at the right place and the right time. Let’s discuss some of these:

1. Reinforce value

Sales Follow up messages are a great way to remind your lead why they were interested in your product or service in the first place. It’s a chance to highlight the benefits you offer and reinforce the value that caught their attention. This keeps your offering front and center in their mind, making it easier for them to see how you can help solve their problem.

2. Address concerns

Your leads might have questions or doubts that are holding them back from making a decision. A follow-up with the right message at the right time gives you the perfect opportunity to address these concerns. Offer clear answers or additional information to ease their worries and make them feel more confident about moving forward with you.

3. Encourage action

Sometimes, leads just need a little nudge to take the next step, whether that’s scheduling a call, signing up for a demo, or making a purchase. Follow-up messages are your chance to encourage them to take action. By gently reminding them of what’s next, you can help push them closer to becoming a customer.

4. Stay top-of-mind

People get busy, and it’s easy for your offer to slip through the cracks. Follow-up messages help you stay top-of-mind by keeping your product or service fresh in their memory. When your lead is ready to make a decision, they’re more likely to choose you because you’ve consistently shown up in a helpful and non-intrusive way.

Why Use WhatsApp for Lead Follow-Up?

Your leads are already on WhatsApp. Hell, almost everyone’s on WhatsApp, and that’s what makes it the best tool for sales follow-ups. Here’s how you can use it to keep the connection with your leads alive:

Automate follow-up process

With the right tools, you can automate follow-up messages on WhatsApp to make sure you never miss an opportunity to re-connect with your leads. You can set up a WhatsApp chatbot to automatically send follow-up messages after certain triggers, like when a lead hasn’t responded in a few days or after they’ve engaged with specific content. This way, your follow-ups happen without you lifting a finger.

Send personalized follow-ups

Since WhatsApp is a personal space for most people, using it for follow-ups can make your communication feel more direct and friendly. Additionally, The using WhatsApp Business Platform allows you to personalize messages. You can create message templates with placeholders that can be automatically filled with the lead’s name, their interest and other relevant information.

Personalized WhatsApp message.

Create engaging follow-up messages

A follow-up message can be more than just text. With WhatsApp, you can share images, videos, documents, and make your messaging more engaging. This will help you add value to your follow-ups.

WhatsApp message with an image.

Track conversations with WhatsApp CRM integrations

You can Integrate WhatsApp with your CRM to monitor all follow-up interactions. Your WhatsApp CRM will log all interactions with your leads on WhatsApp so you can track where each lead is in the sales funnel. This will make sure no lead slips through the cracks.

With everything in one place, you’ll stay organized and know exactly when it’s time to follow up again. It makes managing your leads much easier and helps you close more deals.

How Can Rasayel Help Follow Ups on WhatsApp

Rasayel is built for sales teams, so you can expect that we are deeply focused on delivering features that improve every aspect of running sales over WhatsApp. Here are some features you can use for sales follow up communication:

Customized WhatsApp Chatbot

You can set up a customized chatbot to automate the first follow-up message to your lead. It can help you qualify the stage where a lead is at and after qualifying the lead, it can assign the conversation to one of your sales reps, based on relevance, availability and expertise.

WhatsApp Chatbot flow built in Rasayel.

WhatsApp CRM Workflows

Setting up workflows are crucial in order to automate repetitive tasks. Whether it’s sending follow-up messages, reminders, or even updates based on specific triggers or actions such as a lead not responding for a certain number of days or completing a form - they are non-negotiable. Rasayel’s tight WhatsApp Hubspot Integration offers businesses the ability to w

HubSpot workflow for automated follow up messages.

If you’re using Hubspot as a CRM & want to learn how to create a workflow, read this guide on how to create HubSpot workflows in 8 easy steps using Rasayel’s WhatsApp Hubspot integration.

WhatsApp Sequences

In Rasayel, you can use Sequences, a feature that automates sending a series of messages with delays between them. This will help you keep the conversation live with your leads and increase the chances of conversion.

Automated sequence of messages in Rasayel.

Message templates for follow up conversations

Using pre-filled message templates can simplify and scale up your follow-up process. WhatsApp templates ensure that your messages are consistent and professional while also saving you time. For example, you can create a template for a follow-up after a demo, a template for checking in after a few days of silence, and so on.

It will take you a minute or less to create a WhatsApp template in Rasayel. Our AI assistant for templates will help you make sure your template ticks all the right boxes for WhatsApp approval before you send it to your leads.

Creating a WhatsApp template in Rasayel.

Examples of WhatsApp follow-up messages

Here are five examples of WhatsApp follow-up message templates:

1. Follow-up after a demo

  • “Hi {{1}}, I hope you found the demo helpful! Do you have any questions or need more information about how we can help your business? Feel free to reach out. We’re here to assist!”

2. Follow-up on a proposal

  • “Hi {{1}}, I just wanted to check in and see if you had a chance to review the proposal we sent over. Let me know if you’d like to discuss anything or need further clarification.”

3. Reminder for a scheduled call

  • “Hi {{1}}, just a reminder about our scheduled call on {{2}} at {{3}}. Looking forward to discussing how we can assist you further!”

4. Follow-up after no response

  • “Hi {{1}}, we haven’t heard back from you and wanted to make sure everything is okay. If you still have any questions or would like to continue the conversation, let us know. We’re here to help!”

5. Post-purchase follow-up

  • “Hi {{1}}, I hope you’re enjoying your recent purchase! If you have any questions or need support, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re here to ensure everything is running smoothly.”

These templates are designed to be simple, clear, and easily customizable with placeholder variables like {{1}} for names, {{2}} for dates, etc.


Do you want to stay in touch with your leads? Follow up on WhatsApp with them and help them make a buying decision. This strategy is more than just sending reminders—it’s about building a connection, answering their questions, and giving them a gentle push when needed.

With Rasayel, you can stramline lead follow-up on WhatsApp. You can set up chatbots to handle the first steps, automate workflows with your CRM, or use message sequences and templates to keep the conversation going. Rasayel gives you the tools to do it all.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, with tools like Rasayel, you can easily automate your follow-ups using chatbots, CRM workflows, and message sequences.

Message templates save time and ensure consistency in your follow-ups. They let you quickly send out well-crafted messages without needing to write them from scratch each time.

WhatsApp provides faster communication, a more personal touch, and higher engagement rates compared to email, making it an excellent choice for follow-ups.

Yes, Rasayel allows you to seamlessly integrate WhatsApp with your CRM, making it easier to manage follow-ups and keep track of your interactions with leads.

WhatsApp sequences allow you to send a series of messages over time, helping you nurture leads by gradually sharing more information and guiding them through the sales funnel.

Learn more

If you'd like to learn more about how WhatsApp can help you grow your business, please reach out to us on WhatsApp at +13024070488 (Click to chat now).

We also offer a free consultation session where we review your use case, answer any questions about WhatsApp, and help you build a strategy to make the best out of the platform. Book a call with us here. We'd love to speak with you:

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About the author
Miodrag Magyar

Miodrag brings over 15 years of hands-on experience in content writing and marketing, with a talent for making even the trickiest topics clear and interesting. His passion lies in guiding businesses to effectively utilize WhatsApp to build stronger customer relationships and drive results. With an eye for detail and a heart for storytelling, he’s here to show how effective WhatsApp communication can boost sales and enhance customer engagement.

@Miodrag Magyar on LinkedIn