How to Create a Sales Funnel on WhatsApp: A Complete Guide

Miodrag Magyar
Last updated July 20, 2023
How to Create a Sales Funnel on WhatsApp: A Complete Guide

Sales funnels are a critical part of any successful marketing strategy, and WhatsApp can be a powerful tool for creating and implementing your sales funnel. With over two billion active users, WhatsApp offers a convenient and straightforward way to connect with potential customers and engage with them.

In this article, we’ll explore how you can leverage WhatsApp in every stage of your sales funnel and discuss how Rasayel can help you run powerful marketing campaigns, automate your funnel, and close leads.

Step 1: Define your ideal customer

To create an effective sales funnel, it’s essential to have a comprehensive understanding of your ideal customer. This includes identifying their key characteristics and understanding their needs and interests. By doing so, you can tailor your messages and offers to their specific preferences, increasing the chances of conversion.

One way to achieve this is by creating customer personas or avatars representing your target audience’s different segments. These personas can be based on factors such as age, gender, location, occupation, interests, and purchasing behavior.

By doing this, you gain a deeper understanding of your ideal customer and can better align your sales funnel with their needs and preferences, ultimately driving higher sales and revenue.

Examples of customer personas

Here are some examples of customer personas that a business might create:

  1. A 32-year-old working mother who lives in the suburbs and is interested in health and wellness. She’s looking for convenient, healthy meal options to prepare quickly for her family. She’s willing to pay a premium for organic ingredients and products that save her time.
  2. A 25-year-old recent college graduate who lives in the city and is interested in technology and entertainment. He’s looking for affordable, high-quality gadgets and entertainment options that he can enjoy with his friends. He’s price-sensitive but willing to splurge on the latest gadgets and experiences.
  3. A 45-year-old executive who lives in a high-end neighborhood and is interested in luxury goods and experiences. She’s looking for products and services that reflect her status and sophistication. She’s willing to pay a premium for exclusivity, quality, and personalized attention.
  4. A 50-year-old small business owner who lives in a rural area and is interested in sustainability and self-sufficiency. He’s looking for eco-friendly products and services that help him reduce his carbon footprint and live a more self-sufficient lifestyle. He’s willing to pay a premium for products that align with his values and beliefs.
  5. A 28-year-old student who lives in a college town and is interested in fashion and social media. She’s looking for trendy and affordable clothing and accessories to show off on social media. She’s price-sensitive but willing to experiment with new styles and brands.

To create an effective sales funnel strategy for WhatsApp, it is essential to identify the different stages of the funnel and determine which ones to focus on.

Step 2: Determine your sales funnel strategy

A sales funnel is a strategic method of converting potential customers into actual ones. The process involves a series of steps designed to guide the customer from initial awareness of your product or service to making a purchase.

The steps in the funnel typically include awareness, interest, consideration, and decision. The goal of a sales funnel strategy is to convert leads into customers and ultimately drive revenue growth for the business.

Examples of sales funnel strategies include:

  1. Content marketing: Creating educational or informative content that helps potential customers understand the value of your product or service and guides them toward a purchase.
  2. WhatsApp marketing: Sending targeted and personalized messages to leads and customers to nurture them through the sales funnel and encourage them to take action.
  3. Social media marketing: Using social media platforms to build brand awareness, engage with potential customers, and drive traffic to your website or landing pages.
  4. Sales automation: Using technology such as chatbots, automated emails, and sales software to streamline the sales process and improve efficiency.

A well-optimized sales funnel can help you identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to drive further growth.

Step 3: Develop your offer

Your offer is a critical part of your sales funnel. Developing an offer that appeals to your ideal customer involves creating a value proposition that addresses their pain points and offers a solution. Examples of offers that might work well on WhatsApp include free trials, discounts, and bundles.

Consider your audience’s pain points and how your offer can provide a solution. Discounts and bundles are also compelling offers for WhatsApp sales funnels. You can offer a discount code for first-time customers or bundle multiple products together for a discounted price.

Whatever offer you choose, make sure it’s clear and compelling. Use persuasive language and highlight the benefits of your offer. Consider creating a sense of urgency by setting a deadline for the offer or limiting the availability of the offer to a certain number of customers.

Remember, your offer is the hook that will capture the attention of your potential customers and entice them to move forward in your sales funnel.

Step 4: Create your WhatsApp sales funnel

Using WhatsApp to build your sales funnel involves creating templates and sending bulk messages with Rasayel. You can use different types of WhatsApp messages at each stage of your funnel, including welcome, follow-up, and promotional messages.

Creating a WhatsApp sales funnel involves mapping out the various stages of the customer journey and developing a sequence of messages for customers at each stage. The goal is to move customers through the funnel, from initial awareness to the final purchase.

To start, you’ll need to create templates for your WhatsApp messages and submit them for approval. These templates should be designed to provide value to your customers and guide them through the funnel.

Using WhatsApp’s automation features like chatbots can streamline your funnel and help you engage with your customers more efficiently. Rasayel’s bot builder allows you to create custom chatbot flows without coding.

Rasayel bot builder

To learn more about the benefits of using a WhatsApp chatbot for sales, read our recent post: Driving more sales with WhatsApp chatbots.”

Let’s dive into each stage of your sales funnel

Stage 1: Increase awareness

The first message in your funnel should be a welcome message. This message should introduce your brand and explain what your customers can expect from your WhatsApp communications. You can also use this message to ask customers for their preferences and interests, which will help you tailor your messages to their needs.

Stage 2: Drive engagement

Here, you’ll want to send follow-up messages to customers who have expressed interest in your brand. These messages can be informational or promotional and should be designed to keep your brand top of mind.

For example, you could message people who have added items to their cart but haven’t completed their purchase, offering them a special discount or promotion to encourage them to complete their purchase.

Stage 3: Create a desire

Once you’ve established customer engagement, the next stage is to create a desire for your product or service. This can be done by sending personalized and targeted messages highlighting your offer’s benefits.

For example, if you’re selling a fitness program, you could send messages that showcase success stories from other customers who have used your program. You could also send messages that provide valuable fitness tips or nutrition advice, positioning yourself as a trusted expert in the field.

Stage 4: Drive action

Encourage customers to make a purchase by sending promotional messages that offer discounts or special offers or by highlighting the urgency of the offer.

For example, if you’re running a limited-time sale, you could send messages that create a sense of urgency by highlighting the deadline for the promotion. You could also send messages offering exclusive deals or bundles for WhatsApp customers only, incentivizing them to purchase. These messages should be targeted and personalized based on the customer’s interests and preferences.

Bulk messaging on WhatsApp can be done through tools like Rasayel, which allows you to send messages to a large number of contacts at once.

Stage 5: Build loyalty

Once you’ve successfully converted a customer, it’s essential to focus on building loyalty and repeat business. You can send personalized messages and offers to customers based on their purchase history and preferences.

You can also use WhatsApp to provide ongoing customer support, answering any questions or concerns they may have about their purchase. This can help build trust and strengthen your relationship with the customer.

By focusing on building loyalty, you can turn one-time buyers into repeat customers and brand advocates who will help spread the word about your business.

Step 5: Measure your results and optimize your funnel

Tracking your results and optimizing your funnel over time is essential to ensure your sales funnel is effective. Rasayel’s analytics feature provides you with real-time data to help you optimize your WhatsApp sales funnel. Our Reports help you evaluate your team’s performance and provide insights on your messaging/conversation volume.

Rasayel analytics reports

You can explore the following metrics:

  • Number of received messages -This metric can help you understand the volume of customer conversations and interactions.
  • Resolution time - A shorter resolution time can indicate better efficiency and customer service.
  • Average customer waiting time - A shorter waiting time can improve customer satisfaction and engagement.
  • Number of opened conversations - This metric can help you understand the volume of interactions and your team’s workload.
  • Number of closed conversations - This metric can help you understand how many interactions are successfully resolved by your team.
  • Number of conversations per agent - This metric can help you identify which agents may need additional support or training.
  • Resolution time per agent - This metric can help you identify which agents may need additional support or training to improve their efficiency.
  • First response time per agent - A shorter one can improve customer satisfaction and engagement.
  • Number of messages sent before closing - This metric can help you understand how many messages are typically required to resolve a customer’s issue.

By tracking and analyzing these metrics, you can identify areas for improvement in your WhatsApp sales funnel and make data-driven decisions to optimize your funnel for better results.


Creating a WhatsApp sales funnel can be a powerful way to generate more leads and convert them into paying customers. By defining your ideal customer, determining your sales funnel strategy, developing your offer, creating your WhatsApp sales funnel, and measuring your results, you can create a highly effective sales funnel. With the help of Rasayel, you can send bulk messages, automate your funnel, and track your results more efficiently. We encourage you to

Learn more

If you’d like to learn more about how WhatsApp can help you grow your business, please reach out to us on WhatsApp at +13024070488.

We also offer a free consultation session where we review your use case, answer any questions about WhatsApp, and help you build a strategy to make the best out of the platform. Book a call with us here. We’d love to speak with you:

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About the author
Miodrag Magyar

Miodrag brings over 15 years of hands-on experience in content writing and marketing, with a talent for making even the trickiest topics clear and interesting. His passion lies in guiding businesses to effectively utilize WhatsApp to build stronger customer relationships and drive results. With an eye for detail and a heart for storytelling, he’s here to show how effective WhatsApp communication can boost sales and enhance customer engagement.

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